Generate Actionable Data
Every molecule type requires unique sets of analytical tools; from proof-of-concept for a new molecular entity to long-term safety and efficacy studies post-approval, we will guide you through the process.
Integrating Biology and Chemistry under the same roof, we are able to offer end-to-end solutions across cell-based activity assays, HTS, bioanalyses, analytical characterization, impurity and excipient assessment, formulation development, and more for your small molecule programs.
The challenges of biologics characterization are related to the structural complexity and size of their molecular structure(s). Emery Pharma has the required expertise and state-of-the-art instrumentation to characterize a wide variety of structural and functional attributes for various drug modalities.
We offer a blend of experience, instrumentation (LC-MS, NMR, etc.), and expertise (natural products, structure elucidation, etc.) for any botanical drug discovery and development program.
We deliver robust and highly sophisticated analytical methods to compare Biosimilars and Innovator/reference product, as well as assist with pre-clinical (e.g., tolerability, dosing) and clinical (PK/PD assessment) to streamline your Biosimilar projects.
Vaccine potency analysis (cell-based, β-coronavirus, receptor binding, etc. assays), characterization (HPLC, LC-MS/HRMS, GC, NMR, PAGE, western blots, ELISA, impurity profiling, etc.), stability assessment per ICH guidance, and microbial assays (LAL endotoxin, bioburden, etc.).
Cell & Gene Therapy
We access solutions for cell/tissue-based assays (isolation, media optimization, modification, purification, and characterization) and navigate analytical characterization challenges around the various surfactants utilized in drug delivery, such as Poloxamers (P-188) and Tween.